Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Death.

I am less than 2 weeks away from departing to India and I am dying. I have this terrible cold/cough/sneeze/headache and it will not go away. I've been sleeping extraordinary amounts and so my body is really confused about what time it is and when I should be awake. This is not what I need when I am trying to get to India healthy and remain that way. I don't want to be sick for my first few days there, especially considering I will be jet-lagged and immersed into a completely new place.

Aside from that, I have almost everything I need for my trip. I have purchased a pretty awesome sleep sac and pillow from Cocoon USA. And I have found some great stuff to keep me away from the mosquitoes. Hopefully they stay away! I still need to find some lightweight pants/jeans. Any suggestions?  I tried to find some linen pants to no avail.

For those of you wondering where I will be in India, here is the wiki-link to my city, Bengaluru (formerly Bangalore): I will be attending the National Law School there.

Back to bed!

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