Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Death.

I am less than 2 weeks away from departing to India and I am dying. I have this terrible cold/cough/sneeze/headache and it will not go away. I've been sleeping extraordinary amounts and so my body is really confused about what time it is and when I should be awake. This is not what I need when I am trying to get to India healthy and remain that way. I don't want to be sick for my first few days there, especially considering I will be jet-lagged and immersed into a completely new place.

Aside from that, I have almost everything I need for my trip. I have purchased a pretty awesome sleep sac and pillow from Cocoon USA. And I have found some great stuff to keep me away from the mosquitoes. Hopefully they stay away! I still need to find some lightweight pants/jeans. Any suggestions?  I tried to find some linen pants to no avail.

For those of you wondering where I will be in India, here is the wiki-link to my city, Bengaluru (formerly Bangalore): I will be attending the National Law School there.

Back to bed!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I'm leaving, I'm leaving!

I depart the lovely state of  Wisconsin for New York and then far off lands this Friday. I hope I have packed enough underwear. From what I understand, its very important to have enough underwear. Aside from that, the rest of my life is going into a storage unit--all of my belongings will be forced to fit into a 5x10 storage room. I am very conflicted about how I feel...I am excited to go to India and experience all the wonders that it has to offer. At the same time I am very sad; if you didn't know, Chris leaves for deployment in March and not seeing each other for a year is going to be rough to say the least.

But anyway, I don't want to get all sappy and depressing. So, I will tell you all the awesome things I plan on doing in India:

1. Learn real yoga.
2. Try to meditate.
3. EAT!
4. Not catch Malaria or Japanese Encephalitis.
5. Learn to cook some delish Indian food.
6. Make some friends.
7. Buy some silver jewelery.
8. Study? (I will be in Law School there).
9. Take a weekend holiday to the Ocean.
10. Safari.

NOTICE: Love is not on this list, so no, I am not going all "Eat, Pray, Love" here. I don't need to find love. I am lucky enough to already have that in my life. And I carry it with me always.

Et viola, I am off! I'll try to post often about my adventures and hopefully you all will read. And if you're lucky, I may post some photos.